Monday, October 19, 2009

More Free Money on 14th Street

Recent money actions along 14th Street:

$10 where you can learn Spanish.
$1 near the candy.
$5 hidden by grasses.
$10 on a church pew.
$1 inside a designer purse.
$5 under a city trash can.
$5 where Broadway meets 14th Street.
$1 in a book about money.
$5 near the corner of University.
$1 left in a copier.
$10 behind a DVD I'd never buy.
$10 in the salvation army gate.
$1 on a pizza delivery bike.
$5 outside a private club.
$1 on a stairway.
$5 buried in ice.
$1 in a munimeter.
$1 on a park bench.
$20 dropped as if by accident.

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